Best lgbt gay movies 2019

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Madison Iseman, Paloma Kwiatkowski, Munro Chambers Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Portrait de la jeune fille en feu)Īdèle Haenel, Noémie Merlant, Valeria Golinoĭocumentary about LGBTQ representation in media Steven Silver, Nicola Peltz, Spencer Neville, Sammi Rotibi, Tembi Lockeįionn Whitehead, Leyna Bloom, McCaul Lombardi Kai Luke Brümmer, Ryan de Villiers, Matthew Vey Memories of My Body (Kucumbu Tubuh Indahku) Isabel Sandoval, Eamon Farren, Lynn Cohen, Lev Gorn Torres, Sheldon Best, Myles Clohessy, Gabriel Sloyer, Larry Owens

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Raven Whitley, Ty Olwin, Marika Engelhardt Valerie Pachner, Pia Hierzegger, Mavie HörbigerĪ positive look at the photographic career of Jim French, the creator and photographer behind Colt Studios The Ground Beneath My Feet (Der Boden unter den Füßen) Thiago Cazado, Paulo Sousa, Denis Camargoīased on the first same-sex marriage in Spain Romina Escobar, Paula Grinszpan, Luis Sodá The Blue Flower of Novalis (A rosa azul de Novalis)īrief Story from the Green Planet (Breve historia del planeta verde) Mandy Patinkin, Hannah Utt, Jen Tullock, Judith Light Screenplay by Ariel Schrag, based on her novel of the same nameĪnna Celestino Mota, Emmanuel Rosset, Surya Amitrano Nicholas Alexander, Bobbi Salvör Menuez (credited as India Menuez), Leo Sheng Anna McClean, Charla Cochran, Walter Mecham, Jill Adler, Whitney Palmer, Danny Royce

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